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#Getting around Hanoi on bus for low-cost travellers

📌Tips to visit Hanoi old quarters for low-cost budgets

As a Hanoian, I often love strolling around at weekwends to taste the local foods in the old quarters. It takes time and much money for a taxi or you can use an app for cab pick-up to go round in a far distance . So how to save money effectively in case you still want to hang out on super cool days regardless of the distance. My recommendation is to use public transport as a mode for convenience and economy! Let's me help you to adress this issue in few seconds with no fees!

🧳 All you need to do include some simple steps:

🧷Step 1: Download app Moovit with this icon shown below :

This is absolutely a fantastic app for navigating locations within seconds for free with various choices of transportation wherever you are. This app supports users for many languages so feel free to download it.

🧷Step 2: Sign up and ready to use

🧷 Step 3: Remember to read instructions before using its functions properly .

What I love the most about this app is It shows us the time estimated to get to the right place and the cost, the bus number to take, number of buses to use, stops and even the distance to walk on foot after leaving the bus. So convenient and quickly, easy to use.

Just type the adress you want to get to by bus from your location , it appears on the screen within seconds the bus code at your nearest place, walk on foot there and find the right bus to get in, sit and wait for final stop, dont forget to pay fee by cash for bus collector which costs only around 0,5$/person/bus, the more buses to use for transition, the more money to pay for the ticket .🎫

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